White Point
Setting the Image's White Point
Setting the white point is is the critical first step in proper color correction. The white point setting neutralizes the color and adjusts the image's tonal range to the white point of the printer/media combination.
Info Palette
Make sure the info Palette is visible on your screen. If it is not visible, select Window - Info. Next, with the Color Sampler Tool selected from the Tool Palette, set the Point Sample to 3 by 3 average. The 3 by 3 point sample averages an area of 3 square pixels—in other words, nine pixels. Avoid the Point Sample setting, as this will use the value of a single pixel to set the White Point. An erroneous or slightly lighter or darker pixel than the overall area sampled will distort the White Point. For very large files you may want to use the 5 by 5 Average setting, but be careful not to average too large an area. The 3 by 3 Average works well in most situations
Determining the Image's White Point
While still in an Adjustment Layer Curves Dialog Box, make sure the value readout is set to Ink Percentage. Drag the Black Point to the left until only the lightest areas in the image are visible. Make sure the Preview (eye icon at bottom) is selected. This should help you visualize the highlight areas. Pick a white point that is neutral and not a specular highlight. Specular highlights are direct reflections of light sources. You can hover the cursor over parts of the image and compare the value readouts in the Info Palette. For more information on selecting white points see White Point Parameters. Here is a link for more information on Specular Highlights.
Setting the White Point in the Image
Now click on the White Point Eyedropper and use it to select the white point area you have determined.
You may see the color shift when you make the selection with the eyedropper. This will work as long as you selected a neutral area and an appropriate highlight tone.
There is not one exact White Point. The photographer can chose to adjust the image lighter or darker for their personal aesthetic goals. The point of the Tone System is to gain control over the process.
On the next page we will compare the White Point adjusted image with the original.
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